Nature-Rituals at beginning oft he 4 seasons for the elementarybeeing/mindful perception and learning to communicate
At the beginning of each oft he 4 seasons we meet at a beautiful,special or difficult place in CH to give attention and to communicate with nature what is needed from our side to work together instead of fighting and abusing natural forces. No knowledge necessary.
Spring: Sa: 2.3.19: Element water,
elementary beeings of the water like the Undines
Naturritual Einladung Frühling 2019
in the Grauholz at Tüfelsküche:
Trainstation of Bern 8h20 / Gleis 13A (S4 direction Langnau)
Meetingpoint: 8h30 Zollikofen Bahnhof, we walk about 35 Minuten
to the „place of ungrace”
– Bottis Grave- and to Tüfelskuchi.