
About me

Curriculum Vitae:


Born 1963 in Bern, studies of  pharmacy (with final Diploma as pharmacist) at the University of Bern. Part-time activity as officine-pharmacist in the pharmacy Apotheke-Drogerie Spiez since 2019 before in Sternapotheke (Worb) about 20 years with specialisation in complementary medicine(such as homeopathy/anthroposophical medicine).2 years experience in the pharmaceutical production of anthroposophice remedies in Laboratory WIDAR in Arlesheim  for the anthroposophical cancerclinic (Lukasclinic).Pianolessons by Martha Schmocker, Bruno Verges (conservatory of Bern).

Singing lessons from Regina Mühlemann, Michele Goetze and at conservatory of  Bern from Liliane Zürcher. Artistic activities in several Choirs (Theater of Bern/Swiss chamber choir). Singingformation after the school of uncovering the voice after Mrs Svärdström-Werbeck in Finnland by Christiaan Boele and in  CH by Marianne Prato.

Further formations in  anthroposophic soundmassagetherapie Chirophonetik (in Linz),
in Terlusollogie (Breathingtypes) by Dr med Christian Hagena and by the direct pupil/patient from Mrs Werbeck: Hermann Birkenmeier(CH),and  Romeo Alavi Kia(Wien), Wolfgang Strübing ( Berlin) and Brigitta Seidler-Winkler(De).

Healingwork after Angelica Schlemme (DE) / free improvisations (Acupuncturesinging)/Perceptionschooling and geomantic-artistic projects for men and nature inspired through many years of participation in seminars/projects of  Marko Pogacnik.
Works in own Practice as singing-therapeut and singing-teacher
under consideration of the breathing constitution (active exhaler/acticve inhaler: Terlusollogie) giving seminars and performing art-projects/ concerts in CH and in other countries.
Thematically focused one-day-seminars/meditative-healing singing in Steffisburg.
Coworking-seminars with Anton Kimpfler in Rüttihubelbad and in Gasel.
Improvisatoric Singing for the world and  nature together with  Beat Rihm